The list of potential workplace injuries that may entitle you to compensation benefits covers a wide variety of situations and events. California allows for making claims against a company’s insurance policy whenever these types of injuries or illnesses occur. Of course, extremely minor damages do not require an attorney or compensation claim filing. However, when medical treatment is necessary and your ability to do your job effectively is challenged, you have the right to stand up for yourself with the help of a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney.
Some of the most common workplace injuries in California are not the result of extreme circumstances or sudden accidents like fires, collapsing construction equipment, or being poked with an improperly discarded needle at a hospital. Many have to do with repetitive actions required by your job that affect your back, neck, and bodily joints. These types of stress injuries are covered under the workers’ compensation guidelines of the state as long as you file within the 30-day time limit.
The process to get coverage for medical care, treatment, and potentially lost wages takes time and a lot of precise knowledge of best practices when it comes to filing and supporting a workers’ compensation claim. Do not go into this by yourself. Our expert law team understands the ins and outs of the process, can maximize your chances of achieving all the benefits you deserve, and will see you through to the end whether your claim is initially denied, you need to appeal the decision, or not.